Where Trust Meets Tokenization

Lower your investment risk and easily maintain compliance with Nomyx ID, the first-of-its-kind digital identity platform allowing for token-level compliance. Checks occur at the point of transaction, eliminating human error and confidently verifying the identities of all parties.

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Welcome to Token-Level Compliance

Other platforms only conduct compliance checks up front or long after a transaction, making enforcement challenging and regulatory changes burdensome.
Nomyx uses revolutionary token-level compliance, ensuring continuous compliance checks are made at the point of transaction and for each party.

Powered by Smart Contract IDs

Nomyx IDs are unique smart contract identities stored on-chain and attached to a user’s wallet or account. These allow for financial institutions to continuously verify their client’s credentials and track assets from issuance to primary and secondary markets.
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Partnered with

We’ve partnered with world-renown KYC/KYB compliance company Persona to provide the most trustworthy user onboarding process, and pass major savings onto you.
We actively monitor FOR
Politically Exposed Person (PEP)  |  Denied Parties List  |  OFAC  |  Sanctions monitoring

Stronger Protection for All

The Nomyx Platform democratizes the ownership and trading of assets through safe and efficient tokenization, all while staying in line with evolving compliance standards using our revolutionary KYC, Nomyx ID.
New user onboards with your institution.
Persona verifies key personal information to ensure the user is who they claim to be.
Nomyx creates smart contract IDs for each profile and attaches permissions based on Persona’s verification.
Identity verification and profiles appear in your Nomyx dashboard. Profile permissions can be modified at any time.
At the point of token creation, Nomyx attaches prerequisites to each token to restrict who may interact with that asset.
Prior to any transaction, the asset’s compliance matrix cross references its required credentials of all parties involved in the transactions, and rejects any that are noncompliant.

Do Compliance Better with Nomyx ID

Stop unauthorized transactions before they occur
Modify compliance requirements easily, in app and without code
Manage a variety of assets in one place, each with unique compliance requirements
Maintain control at all times with the ability to freeze, clawback, and more

Unlock the Power of Tokenization

Ready to streamline your operations and take your assets to the next level? Let Nomyx handle the complexity so you can focus on growth. Schedule a demo today and see how easy it is to tokenize, manage, and trade assets securely and seamlessly.